Sunday, November 4, 2007

This one's for Kati!

Dad and I went to Thayne to get the boat last week. We left early Monday morning so Dad and Clark could get on the river before noon. Dad and I were going to stay at the Cabin Creek Inn on Monday night, so I checked in about one in the afternoon, and spent the day in the cabin while Dad and Clark fished. It was great fun! I watched TV, painted a picture, and took a bath in the Jacuzzi tub in our little cabin. It was the first time I've been able to soak in a tub for several years. The problem is that I can't get in and out of a tub because I can't bend my legs enough to get them under me. But I was determined to try this one, because I was alone, and it was really big. Once I got in, though, I was kind of worried about what I would do if I really couldn't get out! But, obviously, I succeeded, and I really enjoyed it!

On our way to Thayne, when we were in the canyon, a MOOSE ran across the road in front of the car, and by the time I got the camera out of the case, it was going up the bank on the other side of the road. We both exclaimed, "There's Kati's moose!" So even though the picture didn't turn out very good, this one's for you, Kati!

1 comment:

Kati said...

AHHHHHHH! Thanks guys! It is so nice to know that you thought of me! The wedding looks beautiful! He sure got himself a beautiful bride! What a cute girl! Wish we could have been there!
Thanks for the picture of "my moose!" Maybe someday...I will see it too!
Love ya!